Ted Cruz Alarms Viewers: The Looming Terror Threat to America Exposed

Senator Ted Cruz has sounded the alarm, and his message is one that should resonate with every American who values the safety and security of our nation. The threat of terrorism is at a level we have not seen since the catastrophic events of September 11th, 2001, and its a matter of grave concern that cannot be ignored. Under the Biden administration, Americas borders have become worryingly porous, with over 10.4 million illegal crossings since President Biden took office. This alarming statistic isnt simply a problem of illegal immigration; its a national security issue.

When speaking on the southern border, which I believe is a microcosm of the Biden administrations broader disregard for law and order, the presence of elements affiliated with terrorist organizations is a stark reality. Border patrol agents are actively on the lookout for dangerous individuals associated with groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Jihad — terrorists whove shown theyre capable of horrific acts, as the tragic events of October 7th in Israel have demonstrated. Theyre calling for similar atrocities on American soil, which is deeply troubling.

But it goes beyond negligence. Recent revelations have uncovered that the Biden administration is not merely failing to curb this tide of illegal immigration — they are actively facilitating it. Over 320,000 illegal immigrants have been flown into the United States, distributed across 43 different airports — not something disclosed by the administration or to Congress, but only discovered through the tenacious work of those pursuing truths under the Freedom of Information Act.

This raises serious questions: why doesnt the FBI Director compel President Biden to enforce Americas laws firmly and decisively? Why are known adversaries, countries with a history of harboring and supporting terrorism — like Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan — allowed to exploit our southern border? And why are nations such as Russia and China, known for their adversarial stance toward the U.S., not facing the scrutiny their actions warrant?

This isnt a mere policy difference; this is about protecting American lives and upholding the rule of law. Its clear that the Biden administration, along with Congressional Democrats, are complicit in this reckless endangerment of our nations security. The American people deserve transparency and action. We ought to not only secure our border but also verify who is entering the country, ensuring that those who pose a threat are identified and stopped.

The canary in the coal mine is warning us, and the mesage from our leaders should be unequivocal: Americas security is paramount, and any threat to it, whether at our border or within our nation, must be met with the fullest response. Our safety is not a partisan issue — its an American priority, and its time for the Biden administration to treat it as such.

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